GTA Real Estate Trends: A July 2023 Overview

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July 2023 showcased positive growth in Greater Toronto Area (GTA) home sales, new listings, and home prices. When compared to July 2022, these metrics saw significant increases.

On a seasonally adjusted scale, the market in July was more balanced than in June. While sales trended lower, there was a rise in new listings.

Analyzing the Sales Momentum

“Home sales were stronger this July compared to last year. This suggests that many have adjusted to the increased borrowing costs,” notes Paul Baron, TRREB President.

However, he also highlights a stall in sales momentum. This change began after the Bank of Canada begins its rate-tightening cycle in June. Baron emphasizes the ongoing lack of listings, making it difficult for prospective buyers.

By the Numbers

GTA REALTORS® reported impressive stats for July 2023. They recorded 5,250 sales through TRREB’s MLS® System, a 7.8% increase from July 2022.

New listings also saw growth at an annual rate of 11.5%. The MLS® Home Price Index Composite benchmark rose by 1.3% year-over-year. Meanwhile, the average selling price grew by 4.2%, landing at $1,118,374.

In a seasonally adjusted monthly comparison, sales dropped for the second consecutive month. In contrast, new listings saw an uptrend. The average selling price saw a slight decrease, but the MLS® HPI Composite benchmark moved upwards.

Looking Towards the Future

Jason Mercer, TRREB’s Chief Market Analyst, points out that recent uncertainties have affected home sales. Factors include potential borrowing costs, job markets, and the general economic landscape. “While the demand for ownership will remain robust due to record population growth, many will wait. They seek clarity on monetary policy and economic directions,” Mercer adds.

Addressing the Bigger Issue

John DiMichele, TRREB CEO, highlights a significant public policy misalignment related to housing. He says, “The federal government aims for high immigration rates, but there’s minimal progress in housing creation.” DiMichele emphasizes that while population growth aids economic development, it’s unsustainable without affordable housing. He concludes by urging all government levels to address this pressing issue.


Navigating the GTA’s real estate market can often seem like a complex endeavor. July 2023 showcased both challenges and opportunities, particularly in terms of sales and listings.

The insights provided by industry experts underline the importance of understanding and adapting to market shifts. As the real estate market continues to evolve, clear communication and informed decision-making will be key. The balance between population growth, housing availability, and affordability remains a focal point. Ensuring sustainable growth will require collaboration, innovation, and strategic planning from all stakeholders involved.

To successfully maneuver through these market complexities, consider partnering with PPS Realty Brokerage, where expertise meets dedication.

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