Buyers and Inventory: A Staggered Market Return

Real Estate Agent Showing Buyers Contract, Man Signing

The housing market is set for a staggered rebound, with buyers and inventory slowly returning. As the year progresses, these groups will watch economic signals closely, deciding when to re-enter the market.

Economic Forecast:

Experts predict a cautious market revival, hinging on successive interest rate cuts. The pace of recovery will be gradual, with mortgage rates needing to drop significantly to entice buyers back into the fray.

Market Momentum:

Despite a subdued spring, there’s optimism for increased activity. Robert Hogue from RBC notes, “We’re likely to see a bit more activity going forward, but more of a gradual ramp-up as opposed to a sharp snap-back this spring.” This trend indicates a market in the process of recalibration. Sellers who previously exited are now anticipated to re-enter the market. This is particularly notable in regions like Vancouver. New listings have shown encouraging increases, reflecting a renewed confidence and potential market recovery.

Price and Listing Trends:

Market stabilization is evident, with price corrections bottoming out and listing numbers rising, suggesting a market gearing up for a cautious recovery. Yet, the ascent in home prices and market activity is projected to be moderate.

Market Outlook:

The market’s next phase hinges on buyer and seller confidence, with a balanced recovery anticipated. “The correction phase may be over, and the next phase will depend on the perceptions and confidence or anticipation that things could get hotter,” Hogue remarked, highlighting a market on the cusp of cautious optimism.


The housing market is poised for a gradual recovery, with both buyers and inventory making a staggered re-entry. This period offers a chance for those prepared to adjust to market shifts. It provides a foundation for making informed choices.

Finally, RE/MAX Success Realty is poised to guide buyers, sellers, and investors toward success in the ever-changing market. With over 20 dedicated agents, we offer expertise and personalized service to navigate the staggered return of buyers and inventory, ensuring our clients make informed decisions and achieve their real estate goals.

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