10 First-Time Homebuyer Mistakes to Avoid

Woman, headache from making common homebuyer mistakes

Buying your first home is exciting but can be scary with all the potential pitfalls that can prove costly. Understanding common mistakes can help you avoid them and make a more informed decision. Here’s a breakdown of the crucial errors to steer clear of as you step into homeownership.

10 Homebuyer Mistakes to Avoid

1. Not Getting Mortgage Pre-Approval

Securing mortgage pre-approval is vital; it outlines what you can afford based on a lender’s assessment of your financial health. This not only helps focus your house hunt within your financial limits but also enhances your appeal to sellers, signaling serious intent.

2. Not Shopping Around for a Lender

Sticking with your current bank or the first lender you meet is a common trap. Exploring multiple mortgage options can lead to better interest rates and terms. Take time to compare offers from various lenders to secure the best deal.

3. Down Payment Confusion

The myth that a 20% down payment is necessary can delay your home purchase. While substantial down payments eliminate the need for mortgage insurance and reduce monthly payments, options as low as 3.5% are available, broadening accessibility to home ownership.

4. Not Budgeting for Closing Costs

The home buying process involves various expenses beyond the down payment. Costs like home inspections, legal fees, and moving expenses can add up quickly. Failing to budget for these can jeopardize your financial stability post-purchase.

5. Taking Your Eye off Your Credit Report

Maintaining your credit status post-mortgage pre-approval is crucial. Any significant changes can impact your final loan approval. Keep your financial situation stable by avoiding new credit lines and large purchases until closing.

6. Skipping the Home Inspection

Opting out of a home inspection to save money can lead to future expenses if significant issues are undiscovered. A thorough inspection can reveal critical information about the property’s condition, saving you from costly repairs down the line.

7. Letting Your Heart Rule Your Head

Falling in love with a property can blind you to its potential drawbacks. It’s important to stay practical about your budget and the home’s location to avoid financial strain and dissatisfaction with your living situation.

8. Not Hiring an Agent

While it may seem cost-effective to forgo a real estate agent, having a professional on your side can save you money in the long run. RE/MAX Agents can negotiate better deals, provide valuable market insights, and steer you away from costly mistakes.

9. Ignoring the Neighborhood

A great house in a problematic neighborhood can diminish your living experience. Consider factors like commute times, community atmosphere, and local amenities. Spending time in the neighborhood can provide a clearer picture of daily life there.

10. Getting Scammed

The high stakes of real estate transactions make them a target for scams. Educate yourself on common scams and remain cautious during transactions to protect your investments.

Buying Turnkey Properties

turnkey property. mature woman pensioner holding apartment keychain

Considering a turnkey property can be an exciting option for those entering the real estate market, especially for investors looking for immediate rental income. These properties are renovated, fully managed, and ready to generate revenue upon purchase. In this guide, we dive into the nuts and bolts of turnkey properties, outlining their benefits and potential drawbacks to help you decide if this investment is right for you.

Understanding Turnkey Properties

A turnkey property is essentially a hassle-free investment option. Ready for immediate occupation, these homes are often newly renovated and come with property management services to handle day-to-day operations. This means as soon as you purchase the property, you can start earning from it—sometimes even with tenants already in place.

Operational Mechanics of Turnkey Properties

Typically, companies that sell turnkey properties handle everything from renovation to tenant placement, making it a passive income source for the investor. These companies might also manage the property long-term, covering everything from maintenance to tenant relations, which further reduces the investor’s workload.

Financial Gains from Turnkey Investments

Investors are drawn to turnkey properties for several reasons:

Immediate Rental Income:

With tenants often already in place, investors can begin seeing returns without the delays of renovations or tenant searches.

Less Personal Involvement Required:

The property management company handles most, if not all, of the operational tasks, making it ideal for investors who either don’t have the time or prefer not to be involved in day-to-day management.

Geographical Flexibility:

Investors can purchase properties in various locations without the need to be physically present, allowing for portfolio diversification and risk distribution.

Benefits of Investing in Turnkey Properties

Speed and Convenience:

These properties are ready to rent, bypassing the usual renovation and preparation required by other investment properties.

Lower Start-up Effort:

Renovations and management are already in place, significantly reducing the initial effort and time investment.

Potential for Immediate Cash Flow:

If the property is already tenanted, the cash flow starts as soon as the deal closes, offering an immediate return on investment.

Challenges of Turnkey Properties

While turnkey properties offer many advantages, they come with their own set of challenges:

Higher Initial Cost:

The convenience and readiness of turnkey properties can come at a premium. The purchase price often includes the cost of repairs and renovations already completed by the company.

Dependence on Management Companies:

The success of your investment can heavily rely on the efficiency and integrity of the property management company. Poor management can lead to issues with tenants and property upkeep.

Limited Control Over Tenant Selection:

If the property is purchased with tenants in place, investors have little to no control over tenant screening and selection processes.

Is a Turnkey Property Right for You?

Turnkey properties can be an excellent option for those looking to invest in real estate without the hassles of direct management. However, they require careful consideration of the management company’s reliability and the overall costs when compared to potential income. Those new to real estate or wishing to expand their portfolio might see turnkey properties as the perfect fit. They require minimal personal management.

By understanding both the advantages and challenges, you can make a more informed decision. This aligns with your investment goals and personal preferences.

What to Expect When Closing on a House

Family moving to a new house - what to expect when closing on a house

Completing the purchase of your dream home involves several key stages before the big move-in day. The closing process, while complex, is the final hurdle in your home buying journey. Understanding this phase is crucial to ensure everything goes smoothly and you don’t risk losing your investment. Here’s a streamlined guide to prepare you for what to expect when closing on a house.

Understanding the Closing Process

The closing process, also known as settlement or escrow in different regions, marks the conclusion of your real estate transaction. This phase starts once the seller accepts your offer and ends when you receive the keys. Typically, closing on a house can take anywhere from 30 to 50 days depending on various factors including mortgage approval and home inspections.

Key Steps to Closing Day

Closing involves several important steps:

Professional Support:

Partnering with a real estate agent and possibly a real estate attorney can guide you through complex legal terms and ensure your interests are protected throughout the process.

Escrow Account Setup:

An escrow account, managed by a third party, holds all funds associated with the transaction ensuring that money is distributed only when all conditions are met.

Home Appraisal and Inspection:

Required by lenders, the appraisal confirms the home’s market value. A separate home inspection, while not always mandatory, is crucial to uncover any hidden problems with the property.

Title Search and Insurance:

Conducting a title search ensures there are no issues such as liens or disputes over property ownership. Title insurance provides additional protection against future claims.

Negotiate and Renegotiate:

Based on inspection results and appraisal values, you might renegotiate the terms with the seller, such as requesting repairs or adjusting the sale price.

Closing Costs and Fees:

Be prepared to handle various closing costs which can range from 1.5% to 6% of the home’s purchase price. These include legal fees, registration fees, and any outstanding dues that need to be settled.

Final Walk-Through:

Just before closing, perform a final walk-through to ensure that all conditions of the sale are met, including any agreed-upon repairs.

Closing Day:

On closing day, you’ll sign a lot of paperwork, including your mortgage agreements and property transfer documents. Make sure to review these documents carefully with your agent or attorney to understand all details before signing.

Fulfilling Financial Obligations:

Ensure that all payments including down payment and closing costs are ready to be processed on closing day.

Receiving the Keys:

Once all paperwork is signed and funds are distributed, you will receive the keys to your new home. You are now ready to move in unless other move-in arrangements were made.


Closing on a house is a detailed process that requires attention to detail and understanding of real estate procedures. By preparing ahead and working with experienced RE/MAX professionals, you can ensure a smooth transition to becoming a homeowner.

With clear expectations and the right preparation, closing on your new home will be a celebratory and joyous occasion, marking the beginning of a new chapter in your life.

What Is a Shared Equity Mortgage?

Shared responsibilities - what is a shared equity mortgage

Buying a home is an increasingly challenging task, particularly for first-time buyers navigating high property prices and strict loan conditions. For those finding it hard to afford a substantial down payment, shared equity mortgages offer a promising solution. But what exactly is a shared equity mortgage, and how can it assist you in purchasing your dream home? Let’s go over the details to see if it’s the right choice for you.

What Are Shared Equity Mortgages?

Shared equity mortgages provide a unique way for first-time buyers to enter the housing market. Essentially, these are agreements where another party provides funds that help with your down payment, reducing the amount you need to borrow. This isn’t a typical loan; there’s no interest to pay back. Instead, the lender gets a percentage of the equity of your home when you sell it or after a certain period.

How Do Shared Equity Mortgages Work?

In shared equity mortgage arrangements, the buyer covers part of the home purchase price with their down payment, while a lender contributes additional funds. This helps meet the 20% down payment threshold, allowing buyers to avoid private mortgage insurance and secure lower interest rates. The catch? The lender will own a share of your home’s equity. When you sell your home or refinance, you will need to share the profits proportionally with the lender based on their contribution.

Ownership and Control

While you’ll hold the title and full control over your home, the lender’s investment ties them to your property’s financial future. They benefit if the home’s value increases and bear part of the loss if it decreases. This relationship demands careful consideration and understanding before entering into a shared equity mortgage.

Benefits of a Shared Equity Mortgage

  1. Accessibility: Makes homeownership accessible by boosting your down payment, reducing the amount you need to borrow.
  2. Financial Relief: You can avoid private mortgage insurance and potentially secure a better mortgage rate due to the higher down payment.
  3. No Interest Payments: Unlike traditional loans, there’s no interest charged on the money provided by the lender.

Potential Downsides

  1. Profit Sharing: If your home appreciates significantly in value, you will need to share a substantial part of that profit with the lender.
  2. Long-term Commitment: These mortgages are designed for long-term arrangements, and selling your home early might incur penalties or reduce your expected gains.
  3. Limited Availability: Finding lenders that offer shared equity mortgages can be challenging, and the terms can vary significantly.

Is a Shared Equity Mortgage Right for You?

Opting for a shared equity mortgage is a significant decision that requires a detailed evaluation of your financial situation and housing market conditions. This mortgage type can offer a pathway to homeownership with potentially lower upfront costs but requires sharing the future financial gains of your property. As with any financial decision, it’s crucial to consult with a financial advisor to understand fully how a shared equity mortgage might impact your financial goals.


Shared equity mortgages can be a viable option for those struggling to save for a down payment but come with unique considerations. Whether this approach fits your home buying strategy depends on your financial circumstances and long-term housing goals. Consider all angles and potential future market conditions before deciding if a shared equity mortgage is the best path for your homeownership journey.

Contact RE/MAX for Further Guidance

If you’re considering a shared equity mortgage or any other real estate financial arrangements, contact a professional at RE/MAX. Our experts can provide you with the insights and assistance you need to make informed decisions in the real estate market.

10 Questions When Buying a House

ask these questions when Buying a house

When purchasing a home, knowing the right questions to ask is crucial. This initial diligence helps ensure you’re making a well-informed decision, potentially saving you from future regrets. Here are ten critical questions for buying a house that could guide you to make the best choice for your new home.

10 Questions to Ask When Buying a House

1. What Is Included in the Sale?

Confirm what stays with the house from fixtures like sinks and built-in appliances to movable items like furniture. You can assess additional costs after purchase by knowing what’s included.

2. How Old Is the House?

The age of the property affects maintenance needs and costs. Older homes might charm but often come with higher upkeep expenses, especially if major components like the roof or windows need updates.

3. What Repairs or Upgrades Have Been Made?

Understanding recent repairs and upgrades can indicate the home’s condition and any future expenses. Ensure that all changes were made with proper permits to avoid legal troubles later.

4. Is There a Septic System?

Knowing if the home uses a septic system or connects to municipal sewer shapes your maintenance responsibilities. A septic system requires regular servicing, which adds to your home upkeep budget.

5. What Are the Monthly Utility Costs?

Ask about the average utility costs to gauge the home’s efficiency and impact on your budget. High utility bills might indicate poor insulation or inefficient heating and cooling systems.

6. Is the Property at Risk for Natural Hazards?

Check if the home is in a zone prone to natural disasters like floods or earthquakes, which can affect insurance costs and living safety.

7. Are There Any Health or Safety Hazards?

Inquire about the presence of asbestos, lead paint, radon, or mold—common in older homes. Knowing these risks is crucial for health and financial reasons.

8. What’s the Neighbourhood Like?

Explore the quality of local amenities like schools, parks, and shops, and understand community dynamics such as safety, noise levels, and upcoming developments that could affect property values.

9. Is the House Part of an HOA?

Understand any homeowners association (HOA) fees and regulations, as these can influence your budget and lifestyle.

10. Why Is the Seller Moving?

Knowing the seller’s motivation can provide leverage in negotiations. A seller in a hurry might be open to concessions that make the deal more attractive.

How RE/MAX Agents Provide Support:

RE/MAX equips agents with the tools and knowledge to guide buyers effectively through these questions. The vast resources at RE/MAX ensure that buyers make well-informed and confident purchasing decisions. Recently, RE/MAX agents set a record for the highest price sold in our area this season. If you’re looking for expert guidance and support through your home-buying process, consider partnering with a RE/MAX agent to navigate your journey with precision.

Finding the Perfect “Kid-Friendly” Neighborhood

Children using sidewalk chalk in kid-friendly neighborhood

When you’re hunting for a new home, finding a kid-friendly neighborhood is crucial, especially for the long-term happiness and well-being of your family. A truly kid-friendly environment offers more than just safety; it provides a supportive community with ample educational, recreational, and social opportunities that contribute to memorable childhood experiences. Let’s explore what makes a neighborhood ideal for families and how to identify one that meets the ‘3 E’s’ criteria: Education, Environment, and Entertainment.


A neighborhood’s educational resources are foundational for any family. Check if there are quality schools that cater to different learning styles and abilities, accessible educational programs, and additional learning facilities like libraries or tutoring centers. Research the schools’ ratings and visit them to get a feel for the environment. Are there after-school programs or special interest classes nearby, such as music or art studios? These resources not only support your child’s education but also their social development and personal interests.


Safety is paramount. Evaluate the neighborhood’s safety by looking into local crime statistics and speaking to residents. Assess the traffic situation; are the streets busy, and how are the crossings for children? Also, consider the general vibe of the area—does it have parks and quiet streets? Are there other families with children? A neighborhood that encourages outdoor activities and has a vibrant community feel can be incredibly beneficial for your child’s development and your family’s social life.


Kids need space and facilities to play and engage in physical activities. Check if the neighborhood has accessible and well-maintained parks, sports facilities, and recreational centers that offer programs tailored to children. Whether it’s swimming pools, soccer fields, or ballet classes, having the right amenities nearby is crucial. Also, consider places where your family can enjoy time together, like community pools, theaters, or picnic areas.

Choosing the Right Neighborhood:

Keep these ‘3 E’s’ in mind as you search for your new home. A neighborhood that scores well in education, environment, and entertainment will not only enhance your children’s daily lives but also contribute to the richness of their childhood memories. Think about the long-term benefits that such a neighborhood could provide, ensuring a wholesome and fulfilling upbringing for your children.


Choosing the right neighborhood is about finding a place where your children can thrive and where you feel connected to the community. If you’re looking for expert advice on selecting the best area for your family or need help evaluating potential neighborhoods, reach out to RE/MAX Success Realty.

Is a Multi-Generational Home Right for You?

Multi-generation Caucasian family During a dinner at home

Exploring whether a multi-generational home is suitable for you involves understanding the benefits and considerations of shared living spaces. Multi-generational homes are becoming increasingly popular, providing family support and financial benefits.

Why People Choose Multi-Generational Living

One of the primary reasons families opt for multi-generational homes is to support aging parents. About 27% of buyers select these homes to provide better care for their elders, while 19% do so to spend more quality time together. These arrangements allow seniors to age comfortably in place with family support.

Cost savings is another significant factor. Approximately 22% of buyers choose these homes to reduce living expenses, and 11% do so to afford larger spaces that multiple incomes can sustain. Sharing expenses like mortgages, utilities, and maintenance can make home ownership more attainable, especially for first-time buyers in today’s competitive market.

Finding the Right Multi-Generational Home

Finding an ideal multi-generational home requires considering the needs and preferences of all family members. It’s essential to choose a property that provides adequate space and privacy for everyone, which can sometimes be like solving a complex puzzle.

Partnering with a knowledgeable real estate agent is crucial. They can help navigate the complexities of finding a home that meets the diverse needs of a multi-generational family, ensuring that every family member feels comfortable and accounted for.

Bottom Line

Whether motivated by financial reasons or family care, a multi-generational home can offer numerous benefits. For those considering this living arrangement, consulting with a local real estate expert is advisable. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific needs and help you make an informed decision.

For personalized assistance and to explore the highest-selling homes this season, contact RE/MAX Success Realty. Our agents specialize in multi-generational homes and can ensure you find a place that truly feels like home.

5 Crucial Moving Mistakes to Avoid for a Stress-Free Move

Young family finding moving mistakes when purchasing their house

Relocating to a new home is an exciting adventure, but the moving process can often be fraught with challenges. Preparing adequately can significantly smooth out potential bumps. Here’s how to steer clear of the most common moving mistakes and ensure your move is as stress-free as possible.

Top 5 Moving Mistakes

1. Book Your Movers Early

To avoid the rush and ensure you get the moving company you want, book as soon as you know your moving date. High-quality movers get booked up quickly, especially during peak times, so early booking is crucial to secure the services you need.

2. Research Your Moving Company Thoroughly

Don’t just book the first moving company you find; research thoroughly to ensure they are reputable and reliable. Check reviews, ask for recommendations from friends, and verify their credentials to avoid scams or poor service.

3. Secure Comprehensive Insurance

Accidents can happen, even with the best movers. Ensure you have comprehensive insurance to cover any potential damages or losses during the move. A detailed contract with the moving company should also be in place, outlining the resolution of disputes and the breakdown of costs.

4. Clarify All Details with Your Movers

Effective communication with your movers is essential. Confirm the size of the moving van, discuss the handling of large or fragile items, and finalize parking arrangements. If anything changes, update your movers immediately to avoid day-of surprises.

5. Measure Bulky Items and Doorways

Avoid moving day headaches by measuring large furniture and the doorways of your new home in advance. This ensures everything can fit through the doors and into the intended spaces, preventing last-minute scrambles and potential damage.


Moving can be a complex process, but with careful planning and attention to detail, you can mitigate common risks. Consulting with a knowledgeable realtor can also provide additional insights and tips to make your move smoother. If you’re planning a move and looking for expert guidance, RE/MAX Success Realty is here to help you navigate every step of the way, ensuring a seamless transition to your new home.

What is the MLS and How Does it Work?

For Sale sign in front of home house. Real estate housing market MLS

In the Canadian real estate market, whether you’re buying or selling, you’ll likely encounter the term “MLS” or Multiple Listing Service. This comprehensive platform is crucial for agents and brokers, smoothing the exchange of information on properties available for sale across Ontario and beyond.

For anyone starting their home search or considering listing their property, understanding and utilizing the local MLS is crucial. Let’s go a bit further into MLS and the history behind it.

What Exactly is MLS?

A vital database where real estate agents list properties for sale within a specific geographic area. Once a property is listed on the MLS, it becomes accessible to all participating agents and brokers in the region. This increases exposure and increases the chances of a sale.

This system is not only a tool for agents to showcase homes but also a resource for buyers’ agents to find suitable listings for their clients. The entries on the MLS provide detailed descriptions and photos, giving a comprehensive view of each property.

The Evolution of Multiple Listing Service

The concept of MLS dates back to the late 1800s when agents met to share information about their listings. Over the years, this practice evolved from simple meetings to detailed books or index cards and, eventually, to the digital databases we use today.

How Does MLS Benefit Ontario’s Market?

In Ontario, this system is especially beneficial. It democratizes access to market information, allowing smaller real estate offices to compete with larger firms. Agents can showcase a wider range of properties beyond their own listings, providing more options to buyers and greater exposure for sellers. Additionally, sites like Point2Homes and Trulia aggregate these listings, further amplifying reach.

While the public has limited access to MLS, platforms like mls.ca, operated by the Canadian Real Estate Association, provide a glimpse into this extensive network of listings. This site allows potential buyers and others interested in real estate to view properties across Canada, albeit with less detail than what is available to professionals.

RE/MAX Sucess Realty: Helping You in Today’s Market

If you’re looking for a home in Mississauga, partnering with a knowledgeable agent who can leverage MLS effectively is key.

At RE/MAX Success Realty, we offer unparalleled expertise and access to the latest listings, ensuring our clients can find or sell their homes efficiently and at the best value.

Contact us today to discover how we can enhance your property buying or selling experience with our deep understanding of MLS and the local market.

Moving with Pets: RE/MAX and Pet Valu Simplify Relocations for Pet Owners

Husband and wife and their son moving with pets in new home

Navigating the moving process with pets just got easier, thanks to a partnership between RE/MAX Canada and Pet Valu. This collaboration introduces the “Complete Guide to Moving with Pets,” a comprehensive digital resource designed to simplify relocation for pet owners.

A Tailored Moving Guide:

The guide covers essential aspects of moving with pets, including packing tips, home preparation, moving day strategies, and settling into a new environment. It provides tailored advice for different pets, ensuring a smooth transition for dogs, cats, and other animal companions.

Comprehensive Support for Pet Owners:

RE/MAX and Pet Valu’s joint effort extends beyond the guide, offering practical tools and resources. This includes a 360-degree marketing campaign featuring TV segments, social media content, and a special contest. Additionally, RE/MAX agents across Canada distribute “Welcome Home” gift boxes to pet-owning clients, which include a QR code for the guide and pet-friendly surprises from Pet Valu.

RE/MAX’s Commitment to Service:

This initiative reflects RE/MAX’s ongoing commitment to providing exceptional support to its agents and clients. By focusing on the needs of pet owners during the moving process, RE/MAX reinforces its reputation as a thoughtful leader in real estate, dedicated to easing the stress of relocation for all family members.


Joining RE/MAX means aligning with a brand that values comprehensive care and support during life’s big transitions. For real estate professionals and clients, RE/MAX handles every moving detail with expertise and empathy. This approach sets a high industry standard and highlights the unique value of a RE/MAX agent.