Strategies for Real Estate Success in 2023


Navigating the ever-evolving Canadian real estate market requires adaptability, precision, and foresight. As we journey into 2023, the dynamics have shifted considerably from the peak COVID-19 phase. To remain ahead, realtors need to understand these changes and devise actionable strategies. In collaboration with Remax Success Realty, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide enriched with robust strategies and our unique insights to empower agents this year.

Adapting to the Balanced Market

Gone are the days when ultra-low interest rates and scarce inventory led to properties being snapped up in record time. With rising interest rates and a greater pool of homes to choose from, the pendulum has swung back to a more balanced terrain. Given these adjustments, agents may sense a certain caution in client attitudes. Preparing for this environment is pivotal.

Crafting SMART Goals

Ambiguity has no place in goal-setting. By adhering to the S.M.A.R.T framework, ensure your objectives are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Instead of a vague “Aim to sell more homes,” hone it down to:

  • “Secure four listing appointments this quarter from open house interactions.”
  • “Conduct 12 open houses this quarter, averaging one per week.”

These detailed goals serve as measurable benchmarks, making accountability and attainment seamless.

Master Your Business Metrics

While understanding market metrics is paramount, personal business acumen shouldn’t be overlooked. Keeping meticulous track of your business and marketing outlays provides clarity on financial health, ensuring you maintain a robust business model and remain tax-ready.

Harnessing kvCORE for Enhanced CRM

Orderliness is a hallmark of successful agents. A potent Client Relation Management (CRM) tool is indispensable. At Remax Success Realty, we trust the capabilities of kvCORE. This comprehensive platform not only elevates our business operations but also enriches our customer relationships. From monthly newsletters brimming with market insights and local highlights to crucial note-taking and reminders for client milestones, kvCORE has revolutionized how we serve our clientele.

Continuous Learning: The Key

It’s an evergreen principle – invest in learning. Allocate a minimum of an hour daily for market trends, community plans, and developmental updates. This wealth of knowledge amplifies your ability to provide unparalleled service to clients, offering insights tailored to their needs.

Property Tours: Enhancing Exposure

Self-guided property tours fortify your market familiarity. It breeds confidence and equips you to serve clients with precision. Coordinate with listing agents and prioritize buyer visits, ensuring a harmonious property touring experience.

Recognizing Your Role in Real Estate

Reality TV might project the real estate domain as a blend of glamour and high-stakes drama. The reality, however, is profound. As agents, we’re stewards of people’s largest assets. At Remax Success Realty, we emphasize the significance of this responsibility. Focus on cementing your position as a trusted advisor. Prioritize clients’ interests over transactions, and the rewards will naturally follow.


  1. What CRM tool does Remax Success Realty recommend for agents?
    • At Remax Success Realty, we highly recommend kvCORE. Its comprehensive suite of tools, from newsletters to note-taking and scheduling, offers an all-in-one solution tailored to the needs of real estate professionals.
  2. How does understanding the market’s dynamics benefit my home buying or selling journey?
    • Being well-versed in market dynamics ensures you’re making informed decisions, maximizing returns when selling, or getting value for money when buying.
  3. Why is setting SMART goals pivotal for real estate success?
    • SMART goals offer clarity, motivation, and a clear roadmap to achievement. They provide agents with a tangible direction, ensuring consistent growth and success in the real estate landscape.

For a holistic, client-centric approach to real estate, Remax Success Realty remains your partner of choice. Combining market expertise with innovative tools like kvCORE, we’re geared to help you achieve unparalleled success in 2023. Connect with Remax Success Realty today and elevate your real estate journey.

Rising Mortgage Rates in 2023 Challenge Canada’s Housing Market


The Canadian housing market, known for its resilience and dynamic growth, is facing new challenges. Let’s delve deep into the factors influencing the market, the potential implications, and what experts are predicting for the future.

Weakening Sales Amidst Surging New Listings

September witnessed a significant weakening of sales in the major markets. This downturn coincided with a surge in new listings, pointing towards softer demand. A critical observation to make here is the shift in demand-supply dynamics.

Rising Mortgage Rates: A Challenge Ahead

With the Canadian government bond yields witnessing a sharp rise, there’s an anticipated impact on the housing market. Specifically, the five-year bond yields hit 4.4%, hinting at a possible rise in the lowest available five-year fixed mortgage rate, taking it to 6.25%. This 150-basis point increase since April represents a notable 13% hit to housing affordability.

The Imminent Price Outlook

Experts predict a challenging road ahead for Canada’s housing market. There’s an expectation for home prices to stagnate in the upcoming six months. However, given the recent market developments, a decline seems more plausible. Leading institutions like Toronto-Dominion Bank forecast a “more pronounced and extended downturn,” especially with the backdrop of rising bond yields.

Anticipated Declines

Industry insights suggest a potential decline in both home sales and prices towards the end of this year and stretching into 2024. By the onset of next year, we might witness a dip of 8% in home sales and a 6% decline in prices.

A Glimmer of Hope: Mortgage Relief

There’s a possibility of experiencing some mortgage relief. Should the Canadian bond yields decrease towards this year’s end, owing to a softer economy, there could be a silver lining for potential homebuyers and investors.

Recovery Projections

Recovery in the housing market is anticipated to be a gradual process. Predictions indicate that it might not be until 2025 that Canadian home sales bounce back to sustainably exceed their levels before the pandemic.

September’s Economic Snapshot

A ray of hope amidst the housing market’s challenges is the economy’s performance in September. The addition of 64,000 jobs and a stable unemployment rate of 5.5% offers some solace. However, all eyes are now on the Bank of Canada, as their decision on another rate hike remains contingent on various economic indicators.


1. Why have home sales weakened in recent months? Sales have weakened due to a combination of factors such as rising mortgage rates, increased new listings, and softer demand.

2. What might the future of mortgage rates look like given the current trends? With the significant rise in the Canadian government bond yields, there’s a potential for the five-year fixed mortgage rate to go up to 6.25%. However, any relief would depend on these bond yields decreasing by this year’s end.

3. When can we expect a full recovery in the Canadian housing market? Current projections suggest a slow recovery, with Canadian home sales potentially surpassing their pre-pandemic levels sustainably by 2025.


Navigating the complex terrain of Canada’s housing market requires expertise, insight, and a trusted partner. At Remax Success, we pride ourselves on being that partner for countless individuals and families. If you’re considering entering the market, looking to sell, or simply seeking guidance on the evolving landscape, our team is here to support and guide you every step of the way. Contact Remax Success today and secure your successful tomorrow in the Canadian housing landscape.

Could Growing Wages and Jobs Prompt an Interest Hike by BoC?

Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem

The increasing wages and buoyant job figures have placed the Canadian economy in a spotlight, and it seems Ali Salarian has been taking a keen interest. Recent reports indicate a marked rise in average hourly wages, signifying seven continuous months where the growth in wages has outpaced the consumer price index.

Furthermore, data from September reveals an addition of a whopping 64,000 jobs. These figures, while showcasing an economic upturn, also hint at the looming cloud of inflation. Statistics highlight a year-on-year increase of the consumer price index by four per cent in August, causing ripples of concern among financiers and policymakers alike.

The Governor of the Bank of Canada, Tiff Macklem, has persistently underscored the urgency to tackle burgeoning inflationary pressures. He believes that if left unchecked, the market could see entrenched inflation expectations that would be challenging to curb in the long run.

Given the strengthening labour market and escalating wage growth, Charles St-Arnaud, Chief Economist at Alberta Central, has shed light on the growing reservations of the central bank. The Bank is wary that heightened wages could potentially contribute to inflationary strains, resulting in a conundrum for the policymakers.

However, it’s Ali Salarian’s observation that resonates loudly: “Growing wages and jobs may lead to an interest hike again on the Oct 24th meeting for BoC.”

This potential hike is underpinned by the logic that increased wages and a rejuvenated job market can stoke demand. Simultaneously, firms might be inclined to raise their prices to ensure their profit margins remain unaffected, adding fuel to inflationary tendencies.

Notable economists, including Douglas Porter from BMO, have commented on the situation. Porter suggests that while wage growth is a critical factor, it’s one of many determining the future trajectory of monetary policies.

With challenges like post-pandemic job vacancies and a pronounced worker shortage, the dynamics of wage negotiations have shifted. These changes, coupled with the inflation spike seen in June 2022, have carved the current wage landscape.

While experts such as Andrew Grantham from CIBC opine that wage growth might not be the sole influencer for the Bank’s decisions, it’s undeniable that macroeconomic indicators will play a pivotal role.

As the date for the Bank of Canada’s rate decision on October 24th nears, all stakeholders will be keenly watching the developments. A blend of various economic elements will sculpt Canada’s financial direction.

For tailored insights and a deeper understanding of this evolving financial landscape, trust Remax Success Realty, led by our distinguished Broker of Record, Ali Salarian. Click below for a personalized consultation.

GTA’s Real Estate Market Insights for September 2023


The Greater Toronto Area’s (GTA) real estate domain remains a focal point for potential investors, homeowners, and industry enthusiasts. September 2023 revealed some compelling shifts in market trends, particularly when juxtaposed with the previous year. As Remax Success Realty, we pride ourselves on presenting a clear lens into this intricate market. Let’s dissect the numbers and what they symbolize for both sellers and buyers in the GTA.

Sales Dynamics:

TRREB’s President, Paul Baron, elucidates, “While the broader economic climate, punctuated by high borrowing costs and uncertain monetary policy, has influenced buyer sentiments, the market retains its potential. We project a brighter horizon, especially as we anticipate a dip in borrowing costs by mid-2024, energizing the real estate landscape.”

For September 2023, the GTA witnessed a 7.1% year-over-year dip in sales, accounting for 4,642 home sales. Grounded homes, especially semi-detached houses and townhouses, contributed significantly to this decline.

New Listing Surge:

Optimism emerges with the year-over-year rise in new listings, providing a reprieve from the restrictive numbers observed in September 2022. However, Jason Mercer, TRREB’s Chief Market Analyst, interjects, “The surfeit of listings suggests buyers might wield a tad more negotiation power in the near future, potentially offsetting high borrowing repercussions.”

Pricing Landscape:

The month recorded a 2.4% increment in the MLS® Home Price Index Composite benchmark year-over-year. Yet, the average selling price, showing a 3% year-over-year increase, signals continued buyer resilience despite prevailing economic intricacies.

Policies and Homeownership Affordability:

John DiMichele, TRREB’s CEO, emphasizes the discrepancy between housing prices and outdated land transfer tax benchmarks. With the average condo price soaring above $700,000 in Toronto, the stagnant $400,000 first-time buyer exemption threshold needs reconsideration. He accentuates, “It’s vital for housing and taxation policies to be harmonized to aptly address the housing challenges we face.”

In Summary:

The GTA real estate arena is multifaceted, shaped by myriad factors – from economic indicators to policy decisions. Amid these shifting sands, the importance of a strategic real estate approach is paramount.

At Remax Success Realty, we promise not just transactional expertise but a relationship based on trust, market acumen, and unparalleled professionalism. Let us guide you through your real estate journey, ensuring every decision is well-informed and every opportunity is seized.

Considering a move or just seeking insights? The GTA’s market nuances require a skilled navigator. Reach out to us by clicking on the button below, and we’ll help set you on the right path.